
After a some time considering it myself, I can say that I am a combination of being an ambitious craftsman and a story-telling designer who also happens to be personable, intelligent, quirky, and a self-starter. While growing up, I always found that my artwork was an outcome of a story, whether part of mine or connected to someone else’s. My desire was to share stories to encourage others, build up people, and to make a living at it.

My first detour started when I considered Accounting upon entering Linn Benton Community College. At the time, it was all about job security. And accounting was fun back then. The detail-oriented nature was, and still is, right up my alley. In my last year, I dual-enrolled with Oregon State University, began my necessary application work to get into their Accounting program, and graduated LBCC with honors. OSU’s program was rigorous and kicked my behind.

It was then that I reconsidered what was important to me. I graduated with my Bachelor’s in Accounting. However, while attending LBCC and OSU, art was never far away. I found ways to take art classes.



After many other detours through the few years spanning OSU and Lane Community College, I applied to the Graphic Design Program at Lane. I graduated with honors and a Certificate in Web Design. I also found a rekindled passion of working with printers and teaching people how to achieve best printing results. I learned so much invaluable experience that have become applicable in ways marching off the stereotypical path.

Now I am helping others tell their stories while learning new skills and creating crafts that tell their own stories as I learn how to tell mine.

If you have a project that you’d like help with, please reach out to me. I would love nothing more than to help you tell a story close to your heart. Just hit that “CONTACT ME” button at the end.
